Install Opencart with easy steps

Sangwan Pankaj 1 18:54
Install Opencart with easy steps

Click on this link to download opencart setup file Download Opencart  download a stable version of opencart.
after download opencart rar file extract setup file.
copy opencart folder to your www folder.
run wamp server make sure it will show green icon at right side  in taskbar of your window or if you are using xamap active mysql apache services.
open http://localhost in your browser address bar and find your opencart folder which moved or extracted in www folder.
then run opencart setup on clicking upload folder or which name you given to folder.
step1 ==> agree to opencart license and click continue.
step2 ==> step 2 wil appear now it show you services list which must to run current opencart version you seen if all services is activated in your wamp server it display in green color icon. if there is any red color icon in front of given service then activate wamp or xamp server service.
before continue you need to rename file in opencart upload\admin folder from [config-dist.php] to [ config.php ] respectively in front side catelog folder rename  [config-dist.php] to [ config.php ]
step3 ==>configration of database choose your databse driver eg. mysql   db host [eg.localhost or your live site db path]  user name, password,dbname,and prefix of database.  enter a username and password for the administration. set   username and password for admin panel make it safe with secure password
step4  ===> if you seen  step for finished installation then you have successfully installed opencart click on link Go to your Online Shop   check your site front end and by clicking on Login to your Administration  log in to your admin panel  and manage your product and store. delete Install folder  for security reasons!

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